Tuesday 27th November 2012

Still the odd new Fieldfare, Songy, Blacky & Chaffy showing up at what is now the very tail end of autumn migration. Also still a few Goldies & a Mipit heading south in the vis mig department. Offshore movements very quiet with 33 Common Scoter, 15 Shelduck, 11 Wigeon, 7 Teal, 4 Brents, 3 Red-throats & a Merg south with 7 Scoter, 6 Brent heading north. In the bushes at least one Goldcrest looks like it is going to attempt wintering here - only once before has a Goldcrest successfully overwintered here. Finally the pair of Peregrines were strutting their stuff over the docks & the local pair of Little Owls came out of their hole to sun themselves.