Tuesday 6th November 2012

Wood Pigs and Blackbirds were the order of today with the latter dropping in throughout and 13,100 Pigs heading South early on, accompanied by 242 Stock Doves. Also in off the sea with the Blackbirds were 60 Fieldfare, 16 Redwing, 4 Waxwing and 75 Starling. Otherwise a few other bits and bobs heading south including 14 Skylark, 10 Siskin, a Short-eared Owl, 16 Swallows, 3 House Martins, 2 Grey Wagtail and a handfull of Chaffs and Greenys in with 90 Goldfinch. At least 3 Woodcock were also on site.

Ringing: 91 Blackbird, 3 Lesser Redpoll, 2 Robin, Redwing, Jay, Woodcock, Blue Tit, Goldfinch and another juvenile Wood Pigeon = 102.