Recent Recoveries

A fairly large batch of recoveries just received mostly of birds moving to & from other sites in Suffolk. Worth a mention are a Blackbird ringed at Kilnsea, Yorkshire on 1st March 2012 caught here on 29th October 2012, Robin caught here on 8th November 2011 taken by a cat 279km away in Seine-Martime, France on 31st October 2012, Great Tit ringed here on 24th February 2012 re trapped at Gibraltar Point, Lincolnshire on 16th September 2012 & a dose of Lesser Redpolls including one ringed on 6th October 2012 in Doncaster caught here on 13th October, one ringed on 2nd October 2011 at South Foreland, Kent caught here on 30th October 2012 & one ringed here on 6th November 2009 re trapped in West Lothian on 14th October 2012.