Thursday 6th December 2012

Sharp frost this morning brought a couple of new Songies onto the site, one trapped was a British race bird that presumably has been frozen out inland to seek refuge on the coast. 5 Goldies flew south, a Redpoll  but in a brief appearance & a Linnet is still loitering on site. A few birds moving south offshore including 99 Teal, 12 Wigeon, 9 Brent, 2 Mallard, Pintail, Pochard, Common Scoter, Dunlin, Barwit & Great-crested Grebe plus the expected Red-throats & Cormrants coming & going. A freshly plucked and eaten Turnstone in the bird observatory compound under the bushes had presumably been breakfast for a Sparrowhawk. Finally a colour ringed juv Great Black-back on a rotting seal carcass along the river is probably from southern Norway but the inconsiderate beast decided to fly off before the details of the white lettering on the black ring could be nailed.