Saturday 19th May 2012

A few more birds around today with the highlight of 11 ringed being a new female Redstart. Both Black Redstarts appear to have moved off but the Serin still remained, roving the reserve and calling often. A few Swallows passed through, edging toward 90 at midday, 2 Swift and 18 House Martin were also seen. On the wader front a handful of Whimbrel, Dunlin, Oyks, Grey Plover and a single Bar-tailed Godwit were on the move. Only around 5 Wheatear were out and about joined by a lone Corn Bunting. Again a few terns 17 Common, 7 Little and 2 Sandwich.

Friday 18th May 2012

A very quiet morning given high expectations. Only a single whitethroat was trapped in the compound, with 3 spring trapped wheatears boosting the total to a mere 4 birds. There were some new arrivals still with a male and female type Black Restart being seen. A few more terns through with the highlight being a Black Tern off the point. The Serin remained and the first juvenile dunnocks appear to have fledged successfully.

Thursday 17th May 2012

Relatively quiet this morning, though the winds have shifted round nicely this afternoon. The Serin is still with us out on the reserve along with 18 Wheatears, a female Whinchat and couple of Spotted Flycatchers. The first juvenile Linnets of the year were seen and a Lesser Whitethroat originally ringed here in April of last year was retrapped, hopefully returning to breed on site. On the move were still more Swallows, little, common and sandwich Terns and a couple of Swifts, a dozen or so Common Scoter and a few more Tufted Duck. As well as a Whimbrel feeding on the reserve a 5th Ringed Plover seems to have appeared again and a summer plumaged Saderling passed by. Of 7 birds ringed a male Siskin was the highlight.

Wednesday 16th May 2012

Still a slow trickle of birds today, the female Serin was again found out on the reserve near the sea-watch hide. A couple of Blackcap and a Chiffchaff ringed, along with the first brood of Meadow Pipits. The terns put on a good show feeding just of the point with maximum counts of 41 Common and 26 Little Tern, 3 Sarnies also passed through. Still a good number of Wheatears out and about and Swallows came in waves Southbound, amounting to 60 by late morning. A single House Martin, 19 Goldfinch and a Yellow Wagtail were also heading South. A Grey Heron moving North was a change from the usual fare. With some Easterly winds approaching we wait in hope for a few more avian visitors.

Female Serin (Will Brame)

In other news...... there is a currently an E-Petition running in attempt to introduce the offence of vicarious liability for raptor persecution in England. It can be found via this link, do have a read and sign if you believe it a just cause:

Tuesday 15th May 2012

Female Serin performing well all morning for the punters mostly on the short turf on the seaward side of the icky ridge. A handful of new migrants on site including a couple of new Blackcaps, Whitethroats & a migrant Dunnock. On the reserve 30 Wheatears, 2 Yellow Wags, 2 Spot Flys, Whinchat, Hobby, Turtle Dove & Corn Bunting. On the move 33 Goldfinchs, 31 Swallows, Yellow Wag & Whimbrel south plus single House Martin & Swift north. Offshore at least 22 Little & 6 Common Terns feeding around the point. Not particularly warm for mid-May. The moth traps have been pathetic so far this year with the 3 moth traps producing just one moth this morning - but it was the first Silver Y of the year - a migrant at last!

Monday 14th May 2012

Rain stopping play again subdued the ringing and observations for the day. 19 birds were ringed over the course of the morning: 5 Whitethroat, 3 Blackcap, 2 Willow Warbler, 2 Spotted Flycatcher, 2 Reed Warbler, a Starling and a brood of 4 Robins. Highlight of observation included a female Serin in the Afternoon 29 Crossbill heading South along with 85 Swift, 47 Swallow, 13 House Martin and 3 Sand Martin. Wildfowl and waders were represented by a couple of Northbound Greylags and a Tufted Duck, with 10 tufties, 2 Shelduck, an oyk, 2 Ringed Plover, 1 Whimbrel, 8 Dunlin and a Gadwall heading South. 3 Gadwall were also sitting offshore along with 9 each of Common and Little Tern, 3 1st Summer Med Gulls also passed through. And to brighten up a dull day a bird from last Friday...

Wood Warbler (Will Brame)

Sunday 13th May 2012

A fine morning today, with a lot of birds seemingly having departed in the clear skies of last night. 6 birds were  ringed; 2 Blackbird, 1 Whitethroat, 1 Willow Warbler, 1 Garden Warbler, and a Reed Warbler. Still a few hirundines moving South with 78 Swallow and 2 Sand Martin, with a Little Tern, 7 Goldfinch, 2 Jackdaw, 3 Yellow Wagtail, a Carrion Crow and a Fulmar. 7 Swallow went against the grain and made Northwards, whilst 4 Common Tern went up river. Both Kestrel and Hobby were seen, with other bits and bobs including 19 Wheatear, 2 Spotted Flycatcher, 3 Med Gulls, 2 Chiffchaff and a Sedge Warbler. Two of the local pairs of Meadow Pipits were also seen feeding young.