Monday 7th January 2013

Dull, mild and drizzley sort of morning but with a bit of action offshore when we weren't really expecting any - but what do we know ? Going south 313 Shelduck, 253 Wigeon, 16 Red-throated Divers, 15 Teal, 3 Common Scoter, 2 Oyk, Mallard & Curlew. I can appreciate that the Shellies are still returning from an extended autumn break moulting off the German Bight but there is no real reason for the Wigeon & Teal to be moving in such mild conditions.  Normally winter movements of dabbling duck here are strictly linked to cold weather conditions somewhere in Europe - but who knows what's normal these days. It just goes to prove if you think it's going to be crap & don't bother looking you can miss things happening.