Sunday 27th January 2013

No snow left & considerably milder following overnight rain. The suns now out but it's blowing a westerly gale. A third-winter Yellow-legged Gull was on the reserve eyeing up a dead rabbit for breakfast. On the move going south 9 Wigeon, 8 Pintail, 6 Common Scoter, 3 Shelduck, 2 Skylark, Oystercatcher & Gannet plus 10 Red-throated Divers north. A largish flock of dabbling type ducks went north an awful long way out are presumably a gang relocating back north from whence they came following the thaw. A Woodcock & a Fieldfare are still with us as is a Sanderling along the beach. Turkey Tail Trametes versicolour photo above on the old Silver Birch stump that was felled several winters back. This is a fungi even i can identify that likes dead and dying wood stumps. Late pm update: Having spent a couple of hours rubbing down the walls of the toilet to prepare them for decorating this afternoonit was notable that most times when i glanced out of the window the Water Rail was on view - even swiming in the helli pond at one point. As the forecast looks pleasant for Monday morning helli repairs will commence if anyone fancies some sewing ?