Thursday 31st January 2013

Ringtail Hen Harrier just offshore going south at 0835hrs is a good mid-winter record. The bulk of our Hen Harrier records are on autumn migration with the odd spring record in March & the odd mid-winter record during periods of severe wintry conditions. Once settled in for the winter somewhere they normally then stay put - presumably this one has eaten her way out of goodies wherever she was & has decided to move south to pastures new. The only other sign of migration was 3 Skylark south. Offshore just a couple of Red-throated Divers, Cormorants & a solitary Brent south in 40 mins observation was typically poor but the harrier more than made up for it. Regular Sanderling still on the beach & for those who like there Med Gulls a motley crew are regularly giving close up views in the View Point car park.