Wednesday 23rd January 2013

A fine Great-northern Diver went south just offshore then turned up river at 0900hrs. A notable arrival of at least 46 Fieldfares, 4 Redwing plus a few new Blackies on site this morning with the snow cover now down to c.30% with the thaw. 2 Woodcock were along View Point Road first thing with another in the observatory compound. Offshore movements were Brent 16N, Red-throated Diver 1N2S, Goldeneye 3S, Lapwing 3N, Great crested Grebe 1S plus 4 Teal siting on the sea. A Sanderling was along the river with a Ringed Plover on the beach probably a local just checking his territory is ok. Still cold despite the thawing conditions.