Friday 15th February 2013

With a warm front coming through yesterday followed by milder conditions there was a bit more of interest this morning in the passerine department with. 6 Linnet, 3 Chaffinch, 3 Mipit, 1 Skylark south + 2 Skylark, 1 Reed Bunting north and 14 Linnets, 11 Mipits & a Skylark on site. Is this spring passage or just birds relocating following the colder weather - make your own mind up ? Either way they are on the move. Staring out to sea not ideal with the currant bun in your eyes with the only records 9 Brent & a Greylag south. The Butts pond has never been this full and must be 3 to 4 feet fuller than 12 months ago.