Monday 11th February 2013

Cold easterly with sleet & snow showers is not conducive to an enjoyable time. 9 Wigeon south is the only movement although c2,000 gulls feeding close enough to look through, although 1,500 of them are Herrings. The pair of Peregrines performing over the fort was the mornings highlight. Spent a couple of hours picking up rubbish in the obs compound grovelling into the parts not normally reached. Amongst the expected wind blown items a fine selection of items that had been lobbed into the compound including various alcohol containers, tins, dog pooh in bags & a knife that may be of a nefarious origin but is brand new from Ikea so has been added to the kitchen stock. Rooting around the bushes a sparrowhawk was disturbed plucking a male Blacky so that's one less to count this spring & plenty of fresh fox diggings at their dens including a dried and dessicated fox cub that has been evicted from under one of the buildings. It's amazing what one can find to waffle about when there's no birds to talk about !