Monday 4th March 2013

Although it still feels & looks like the bleak mid-winter the sun coming out this morning made it feel a bit more pleasant despite the onshore breeze. A small arrival of Song Thrush's apparent plus the odd new Blacky, Chaffinch & a Skylark. As evidenced by the small numbers of Songies ringed in recent days, birds are of the race T.p.clarkei. Although the bulk of British birds are fairly sedentary a proportion either migrate south in the autumn or move in response to cold weather conditions. The birds we are getting at the moment could be migrants responding to either of the aforementioned strategies. Going north offshore 19 Red-throated Divers, 15 Cormorants, 2 Shelduck, Oyk, Grey Plover & Curlew plus going south 2 Shoveler & 2 Teal. 3 Sanderling are on the beach with 2 Ringed Plovers on the reserve probably a couple of locals checking the place is still here.