Saturday 20th April 2013

A ground frost at the start but sunny with a light NE breeze. There were a few migrants about with 2 Yellow Wagtails (1 south), 14 Wheatears, a male Ring Ouzel, 2 Lesser Whitethroats and single Jay, Coal Tit,  Redpoll south and a male Redstart present. Offshore a Common Tern was feeding close in but very little else. a !st winter Yellow-legged Gull was seen early on in the docks from the car park.

18 birds were ringed: 4 Wheatear, 2 Blackcap, 2 Linnet, 2 Greenfinch, 2 Whitethroat, 2 Blue Tit and single Blackbird, Redstart and Great Tit.