Sunday 7th April 2013

Sharp frost with freezing fog first thing clearing to give us some welcome sunshine making it feel like a nice winters day ! Signs of spring were the first passage Goldcrests, a Blackcap & a couple of Small Tort butterflies. Departing winter migrants included 6 Redwing, 3 Woodcock, Fieldfare, Mistle Thrush & a handful of new Blackies & Robins. Offshore going north 153 Brents, 129 Red-throated Divers & 33 Cormorants. 3 Greylags going south were probably locals going walkabout. A Porpoise was offshore - one of a number of sightings of this species in recent weeks.

Ringing totals got into double figures for only the second time this spring with 13 ringed: Blackbird 3, Redwing 3, Robin 3, Greenfinch 3, Goldcrest 1.