Monday 27th May 2013

Todays migrants were 2 Wheatear, Jay, Spot Fly & Wood Warbler plus 8 Sanderling on the beach. Going south 28 Swallows, 11 Goldfinch, 8 House Martin, 2 Swifts plus 3 Jackdaws whizzing around for a while before departing to the north. Offshore 47 Brents, single Greylag & Curlew north plus 9 Canada Geese, 8 Oyks & 2 Fulmar south. A Great-crested Grebe sat on the sea should really be nesting somewhere at this time of the year. In the baby bird department, apart from a dose of young Starlings, other youngsters are almost non-existent with just one brood of Dunnock noted so far this year and nothing else. This suggests, that not only are many species nesting later this year, but those that have tried to breed are struggling to churn any young out.

Ringing: Single Wood Warbler & Starling.