Sunday 5th May 2013

Glorious day with not to many migrants here to upset the tranquillity. 9 Jays here at one point continues the run of spring sightings this year. A couple of new Willow Warblers, Lesser 'throat, Firecrest & Lesser Redpoll went through but only 3 Wheatears were on the reserve as was a Whimbrel & 2 Turnstone. Going south overhead, 31 Wood Pigeons (don't ask me where they are going at this time of the year !), 20 Swallows, 9 Goldfinch & a Sand Martin. Offshore going south 14 Oyks, 6 Whimbrel, 2 distant divers, Fulmar, Curlew, Barwit & going north 10 Little Terns, 3 Sandwich Terns, 2 Whimbrel, Gannet & Kittiwake. The first Holly Blue of the year put in an appearance as did 3 Porpoise (who are regularly here & appear to be two adults plus a smaller one).

Ringing hard work: 2 Willow Warlbers, Lesser Whitethroat, Wren & Firecrest.