Wednesday 29th May 2013

More migrants around today including 4 Spot fly, 2 Chiffs, 2 Willows, Reed Warbler, Cuckoo a new Lesser throat. A Kestrel & a Crow came in off the sea. A Grey Plover was sat on the beach & 4 Sanderling droped in on the beach later in the morning. 23 Swallows, 3 House Matin & 3 Swift went south & a Wheatear was on the reserve. Offshore Whimbrel & Barwit went north with 2 Great- crested Grebe & 6 Sandwich Tern south. Worth a mention is the RDB moth Ethnia bipunctella in the traps.

Ringing : 2 Spot Fly, 2 Chiffchaff, Lesser throat, Swallow & Greenfinch