Tuesday 6th August 2013

At least 10 Willow Warblers here this morning along with a couple of Whitethroats, Lesser 'throat, Nightingale, Spot Fly & yesterdays Pied Fly still with us. A Common Sand was on the jetty which is a species not often encountered here. On the move going south were 39 Swallows, 3 Sand Martin, 3 Yellow Wags, 2 Goldfinch plus a Hobby north. Offshore just a very small handful of ducks, waders & terns moving. Butterflies still impressive with more Painted Ladies & another Clouded Yellow. Mammals were represented by Muntjac & Porpoise with the new Fox earth out the back resulting in an ever larger pile of excavated debris by the entrance holes. Moth traps produced only our 2nd ever Barred Rivulet & Black Arches - which has only been noted in two previous years.

Ringing: single Nightingale & Willow Warbler.