Sunday 20th October 2013

A handful of typical mid-October migrants in small numbers just about sums up today with some torrential showers disrupting proceedings in the morning. Shorelark still present up to mid-day in it's favoured area with a combination of dog walkers & long lenses resulting in it disappearing in the afternoon. On the move going south 365 Goldfinch, 37 Brent, 36 Chaffs, 22 Linnet, 14 Siskin, 14 Greenies, 12 Mipits, 11 Swallow, 6 Mallard, 4 Sanderling, 3 Gadwal, 3 Curlew, 2 Stock Dove, Common Scoter & Rock Pipit plus going north 5 Brent & a Red-throated Diver. The ringing figures are indicative of the grounded migrants on site today although 5 Wheatear & a Chiffchaff on the reserve are worth a mention. A Clouded Yellow sunning itself between the showers fortunately survived the deluge.

27 birds ringed: 7 Goldfinch, 5 Chaffinch, 5 Robin, 4 Blackbird, 2 Blackcap, 2 Greenfinch, Lesser Redpoll & Song Thrush.