Wednesday 16th October 2013

A slight north-northwest breeze veering south-east and increasing mid-morning with rain by midday. A nice selection of birds were present today with the highlights being the Great Grey Shrike still present, a Yellow-browed Warbler located in the trees behind the kitchen, a Black Redstart, 2 Common Redpoll amongst the Lesser Redpolls, 3 Goldcrests, 2 Tree Sparrow, 3 Wheatear and a female Merlin. Viz mig produced good numbers of finches heading south including 76 Chaffinch, 259 Goldfinch, 13 Greenfinch, 9 Brambling, 33 Siskin, 10 Redpoll along with 24 Meadow Pipit, a Swallow, a Grey Wagtail, a male Merlin & 9 Skylark. Offshore southerly passage included 100 Black-headed Gull, 68 Brent Geese, 53 Wigeon and a Shag.

Common Redpoll - photo by Tim Bagworth

Yellow-browed Warbler - photo by Tim Bagworth
33 Birds ringed; 10 Robin,5 Lesser Redpoll, 3 Redwing, 3 Song Thrush, 2 Common Redpoll, 2 Dunnock, 2 Great Tit, 2 Blackcap and single Wren, Goldcrest, Blue Tit & Yellow-browed Warbler.