October Ringing Totals

739 birds of 33 species were ringed during the month  and is the fifth worst October total, however it does include our fifth Cetti's Warbler.

Sparrowhawk 3 Ring Ouzel 1
Woodpigeon 3 Blackbird 45
Collared Dove 1 Song Thrush 71
Long-eared Owl 1 Redwing 9
Goldcrest 8 Robin 185
Firecrest 12 Black Redstart 3
Blue Tit 3 Dunnock 17
Great Tit 9 House Sparrow 4
Cetti's Warbler 1 Grey Wagtail 4
Long-tailed Tit 5 Meadow Pipit 32
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 Chaffinch 35
Chiffchaff 54 Brambling 8
Blackcap 80 Greenfinch 48
Grasshopper Warbler 1 Goldfinch 56
Reed Warbler 1 Lesser Redpoll 21
Wren 13 Common Redpoll 2
Starling 2