Saturday 9th November 2013

A south-westerly breeze this morning. A few migrants were about this morning including single Chiffchaff, Snow Bunting, Purple Sandpiper and a couple of Rock Pipits. Southerly passage involved 15 Redpoll, 48 Chaffinch, 84 Goldfinch, 255 Starling, 9 Fieldfare, 8 Swallow and a male Hen Harrier. Offshore 29 Common Scoter, 24 Brent, 96 Wigeon, 6 Goosander and 6 Teal headed south along with a selection of waders and an Arctic Skua was seen harassing gulls.

Ringing; 4 Lesser Redpoll, 2 Chaffinch, 1 Chiffchaff.