Sunday 17th November 2013

Migration drying out as the autumn passage slowly grinds to a halt. The odd new Blacky, Songy & Robin in the bushes with a Golden Plover & a handful of Mipits on the reserve. Next to nothing moving overhead. Offshore heading north 68 Common Scoter, 5 Red-throats, Mallard, Kitt & Great-crested Grebe plus heading south 8 Common Scoter & 4 Brents. At least 4 Gannets following the shipping offshore amongst a mellee of big gulls mostly to far out to work out in the poor light (although they are mostly immature Herrings & Great-black-backs) - just need them to drift in a bit nearer for closer scrutiny. A Humming-bird Hawk-moth was the only moth in the traps & quite probably the first of it's kind seen here in November.

Ringing: 2 Blackbird, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Robin.