Monday 9th December 2013

Late blog for Monday as your blogger was battling his way through the flood water to do a low water count up the river - yes there's still plenty of water remaining from last weeks storm surge. Of note on the records for the day were a Black-throated Diver heading north & an alien Peregrine on site. An immature female put in an appearance which didn't upset the local adult male - just as well Mrs Peregrine didn't see this interloper ! On the move in addition to the Cormorants & Red-throated Divers moving around were going north 3 Common Scoter, 2 Great-crested Grebe & 2 Brents plus going south 8 Common Scoter, 3 Brent & 2 Great-crested Grebe. Overhead single Mipit & Linnet went south.