Saturday 11th May 2013

Rain over night cleared by 0430hrs, then showers again late morning. A few migrants were present in the bushes; 3 Blackcaps, 3 Willow Warblers, a Jay and a Garden Warbler. Overhead 5 Swifts, 2 House Martins, a Yellow Wagtail and 54 Swallows headed south. Offshore 6 Dunlin, an Avocet,  3 Whimbrel and 2 Tufted Duck also headed south.

8 birds were ringed; 3 Willow Warblers, 2 Blackcaps, 2 Greenfinches, and a Jay.

Friday 10th May 2013

After gale force winds over night migrants were very scarce, with 50 Swallows, 22 Swifts, and a Yellow Wagtail all heading south along with 2 Hobby (1 south & 1 in off) the only ones of note. A Black Tern headed inland over the Obs early on and offshore southerly movement included a Red-throated Diver, 2 Little Egret, 3 Fulmar, 2 Great Crested Grebe, 2 Gadwall, 5 Tufted Duck along with a few waders.

Thursday 9th May 2013

A windy morning. There were few migrants about again, the only ones of note being 2 Tree Pipits, 2 Turtle Doves, a Reed Warbler, 3 Yellow Wagtails, 3 Swift, 1 Hobby and 39 Swallows. Offshore 6 Pink-footed Geese headed north early on and several terns were seen on passage. Mid morning an Avocet was seen landing on the sea to evade a Peregrine, which was soon joined by another, and the Avocet continued to land each time one the Peregrines attacked before heading out to sea as they gave up.

The only bird ringed was a Lesser Whitethroat.

Wednesday 8th May 2013

Absolute Landguard Mega - Grey Partridge - the first one to be seen here since 3rd October 1981. Also noted this morning: Razorbill offshore, Marsh Harrier, Common Sand, 9 Arctic Terns, 36 Little Terns plus a small handful of the usual early May suspects. To be honest everything else is inconsequential when compared with the Grey Partridge which is a major grip back for us younger bucks on some of the older Landguard crusties. This is is one species we thought would never be seen here ever again.

Tuesday 7th May 2013

Hard work with grounded migrants almost non-existent. A Reed Warbler is the best offering in the bushes although several Whitethroats & a couple of Lesser Whitethroat appear to have settled into territories around the site. Down to just 2 Wheatears on the reserve. Going south 32 Swallows, 10 Goldfinch, 3 Barnacle Geese, 2 Sand Martin, 2 Yellow Wags & going north 2 Swallows & 2 House Martin. Offshore 16 Little Tern, 14 Common Tern, single Sandwich Tern, Curlew & Kittiwake went north although we are getting to the time of the year when a few terns are starting to loiter of the river mouth.  A teneral damselfly on the Butts was presumably a Large Red Damselfly that had emerged from the Butts pond & unsurprisingly is the first Odonata record of the year.

Monday 6th May 2013

Most unusual for a Bank Holiday it was nice & sunny but such conditions don't result in many migrants making landfall with just a handful of the usual early May culprits on site. Migrants included a very small handful of Wheatears, Willows, Chiffchaffs, Whitethroats, Redpoll & a longish winged male Chaffinch that has probably wintered in Western Europe & is headed north-east to Scandinavia. Yet another Jay passed through this morning. On the move, going south 24 Swallows, 19 Goldfinch & a Barnacle Goose plus going north 7 Swallows & 2 Swifts going north. Offshore 26 Arctic Terns & 7 Little Terns went north with a couple of Common & Little Terns loitering. 8 Dunlin came in off & up river. Finally 4 Porpoise noted.

10 birds ringed : 2 Linnet, 2 Willow Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Whitethroat, 1 Chaffinch, 1 Great Tit.

Sunday 5th May 2013

Glorious day with not to many migrants here to upset the tranquillity. 9 Jays here at one point continues the run of spring sightings this year. A couple of new Willow Warblers, Lesser 'throat, Firecrest & Lesser Redpoll went through but only 3 Wheatears were on the reserve as was a Whimbrel & 2 Turnstone. Going south overhead, 31 Wood Pigeons (don't ask me where they are going at this time of the year !), 20 Swallows, 9 Goldfinch & a Sand Martin. Offshore going south 14 Oyks, 6 Whimbrel, 2 distant divers, Fulmar, Curlew, Barwit & going north 10 Little Terns, 3 Sandwich Terns, 2 Whimbrel, Gannet & Kittiwake. The first Holly Blue of the year put in an appearance as did 3 Porpoise (who are regularly here & appear to be two adults plus a smaller one).

Ringing hard work: 2 Willow Warlbers, Lesser Whitethroat, Wren & Firecrest.