Saturday 10th August 2013

A breezy, warm but overcast day. A few migrants were about today with a Black Redstart, 4 Willow Warblers being found. Viz mig produced a Crossbill, 34 Swallow, and 7 Sand Martin heading south along with 5 Swift heading north. Offshore southerly movement involved 64 Oystercatcher, 38 Common Tern, 4 Teal, 2 Canada Geese and single Grey Plover & Little Tern, northerly passage involved 15 Barnacle Geese, 33 Common Tern and single Gannet and Sandwich Tern.

Ringing; 4 Greenfinch & 1 Willow Warbler.

Friday 9th August 2013

A windy day with showers in the morning. Apart from 2 Lapwing on the beach the only birds of note were offshore with 23 Oystercatcher, 13 Teal, a Turnstone, 9 Redshank, 2 Golden Plover & 2 Grey Plover all heading south and 2 Common Scoter, 2 Sandwich Tern, 4 Gannet & 4 Barnacle Geese all heading north.

Thursday 8th August 2013

A sunny hot day. Few migrants were about apart from a male Bullfinch, a Nightingale, a Yellow Wagtail and 6 Willow Warblers. Offshore a Grey Heron & a Golden Plover headed north and 2 Redshank & a Whimbrel headed south. A good selection of butterflies about again with 2 Clouded Yellows and a Grayling the most notable.

9 birds ringed; 3 Willow Warbler, 2 Dunnock, 2 Goldfinch and single Great Tit & Linnet.

Wednesday 7th August 2013

Breezy overcast morning. A scattering of migrants were about today; 3 Pied Flycatcher, 4 Willow Warbler and single Black Redstart, Green Woodpecker & Sparrowhawk. Offshore 3 Kittiwake, 7 Dunlin, 2 Grey Plover, 3 Curlew and 10 Oystercatcher all headed south and 6 Common Scoter a Great Crested Grebe and an Arctic Skua headed north. A Juv Yellow-legged Gull flew in off and landed on the beach.

7 birds ringed; 2 Pied Flycatcher and single Black Redstart, Great Tit, Willow Warbler, Blackbird & Linnet.

Tuesday 6th August 2013

At least 10 Willow Warblers here this morning along with a couple of Whitethroats, Lesser 'throat, Nightingale, Spot Fly & yesterdays Pied Fly still with us. A Common Sand was on the jetty which is a species not often encountered here. On the move going south were 39 Swallows, 3 Sand Martin, 3 Yellow Wags, 2 Goldfinch plus a Hobby north. Offshore just a very small handful of ducks, waders & terns moving. Butterflies still impressive with more Painted Ladies & another Clouded Yellow. Mammals were represented by Muntjac & Porpoise with the new Fox earth out the back resulting in an ever larger pile of excavated debris by the entrance holes. Moth traps produced only our 2nd ever Barred Rivulet & Black Arches - which has only been noted in two previous years.

Ringing: single Nightingale & Willow Warbler.

Monday 5th August 2013

Light south-easterlies today. A few migrants were about this morning with our 1st Pied Flycatcher of the autumn along with 8 Willow Warblers, 3 Whitethroats, 19 Swift & a Yellow Wagtail. Offshore southerly passage included 41 Gannet, 5 Curlew, 6 Ringed Plover, 12 Dunlin, 15 Whimbrel, 9 Grey Plover, 20 Oystercatcher, 5 Knot, a Turnstone, 3 Golden Plover, 5 Bar-tailed Godwit, 14 Teal, 3 Tufted Duck, 59 Common Scoter, 2 Gadwall, and single Shoveler & Mallard. Northerly passage involved a light phase Arctic Skua , 12 Gannet and a Fulmar. Butterflies were well represented with 2 Clouded Yellow and a Grayling the highlights.

15 birds ringed; 4 Willow Warbler, 3 Linnet, 2 Whitethroat, 2 Greenfinch and single Great Tit, Dunnock, Song Thrush & Pied Flycatcher.

Sunday 4th August 2013

A breezy sunny day. A few migrants were about this morning with 12 Willow Warblers, a Yellow Wagtail and a Great Spotted Woodpecker. Viz mig involved southerly passage of 8 Swallow, 9 Sand Martin and a Grey Wagtail.

12 birds Ringed; 6 Willow Warblers and two each of Dunnock, Greenfinch & Woodpigeon.