Monday 20th January 2014

120 Cormorants flew out this morning then it was noticed a short time afterwards that c.450 Cormorants were sitting on a sand bar well offshore. 15 White-fronted Geese flew north overhead at 0840hrs with any records of this species good for us - particularly in a mild winter when not many are around the county. Very little on the move this morning offshore but going south 3 Brent & 2 Shelduck plus heading north 25 Brent, 6 Red-throated Diver, 3 Eider & Curlew. 7 Snow Bunting still with us despite a Sparrowhawk going down the beach line showing an interest in them. Finally will mention that 3 Songies are singing their little heads off which suggests that we will hopefully get three pairs again this year (& when you think it wasn't that many years ago we were down to nil pairs when the population crashed).

Ringing: 1 Kestrel