Wednesday 8th January 2014

Few bits 'n bobs off interest this morning. Mistle Thrush & Fieldfare were the firsts of the year, Goldfinch numbers were up to 11, 12 Mipits flew towards the point before changing their minds and pitching in and 11 Linnets paid a visit (as they are inclined to do in mild conditions mid-winter). Not what some of you out there may call interesting but considering how devoid of small birds it's been lately it's positively exciting. 7 Snow Bunts still with us & both Little Owls were out in the sunshine. On the move going south 97 Brents, 82 Kitts, 7 Canada Geese, 6 Common Scoter, 3 Shelduck, 2 Wigeon, Teal, Pintail, Oyk & Guillemot plus going north 8 Red-throats. Very mild.

Please note that work has begun on reshaping the back beach from in front of  the View Point car park to the old aggregate yard with heavy machinery. Please keep out of the way of those working.