Friday 14th February 2014

Finally confirmed the Sandpiper identification (it's a Common not a Spotted as suspected - oops !) this morning which has been in the adjoining dock since at least Monday 3rd. Of note this morning were three flocks of Avocets moving south totalling 69 birds which is a record day count for us, although it is difficult to explain exactly what's going on here - are they continental birds returning to their natal area having wintered in East Anglia ? Also going south 5 Shelduck, 4 Red-throated Diver, 2 Oyk, Fulmar & Red-breasted Merganser plus going north 13 Brent & 6 Gadwal. What is presumably the regular Black-throated Diver put in an appearance and 7 Snow Bunting were on the back beach. Finally 2 Stock Dove went south.