Monday 10th February 2014

No wind - horray. Raining - boo. Honestly the weather is getting tedious. Going south 29 Kitts, 9 Common Scoter, 6 Brent, 6 Shelduck,  4 Red-throated Diver, Great-crested Grebe & Guuillemot plus going north 5 Red-throats, 3 Brent & a Curlew out over the obs then north. With the wind dropping it was hoped to put some time into sandpiper watching but the rain has deterred the whimps in here from that idea - the Shag seen the other day was, however, noted. The highlight of the morning was undoubtabley 5 Porpoise offshore which are the first ones seen since November. Late pm rain stopped - sandpiper & 8 Meds from view point + 6 Snow Bunts still present.