Monday 17th February 2014

Signs of spring were a few passerines moving including south bound 3 Mipits, 2 Skylark & a Rook with 4 Jackdaws heading south then back north again. A Redwing plus Linnet numbers increasing to at least 27 on site are also signs of spring. Offshore heading south 12 Red-throated Diver, 4 Oyks & Brent Goose and heading north 4 Brent, 2 Great-crested Grebe, 2 Guillemot & Bonxie. 6 Turnstone went north along the shore & two pairs of Shoveler were sat on the sea. Finally the 7 Snow Bunting were on the back beach this morning but with the mild conditions and lengthening days it won't be long before they start heading off back north.