Tuesday 25th February 2014

A goodly number of Gannets with 1 north, 37 south & 10+ following shipping offshore with a couple of Bonxies joining in the fun as well despite the occasional showers and poor visibility giving poor viewing conditions at times. Also heading south 17 Knot, 14 Kitts, 12 Golden Plover, 11 Shelduck, 6 Red-throated Diver, 3 Pintail, 2 Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Oyk, Brent Goose, Barwit & Guillemot & a fine adult Little Gull that even cut across the reserve. North bound were 13 Red-throats, 12 Brent & a Shelduck. The Golden Plover are notable as winter records are normally associated with cold conditions so a guess would be they are birds heading to nearer their breeding grounds. Back to 4 Snow Bunting this morning and the 2 Long-tailed Tit are still lingering on site. An Oyk has joined the Ringos feeding on the short turf on the reserve just to remind us that spring is on the way (hopefully !). Mild overnight temperatures last night did not result in any moths in the traps (which were on for the first time this year) just to remind us it is still bleak at Landguard at this time of the year.