Monday 10th March 2014

Chiffchaff started singing 1045ish so it must mean it's spring ! A handful of other grounded migrants (as exampled by the ringing list below) including a large adult male Chaffinch who's natal area is clearly far from here. At least 409 Wood Pigeon went south who were no doubt clearly pleased that the Peregrines were more interested in sex than making a meal out of one of them. Also heading south 15 Mipit, 6 Crows, 3 Jackdaw, 2 Grey Wags, Stock Dove, Skylark & Pied Wag. A couple of Redwing were on site & 2 different Fieldfare passed high overhead in land during the morning. 2 Snow Bunting were by the point & the first Peacock butterfly of the year was noted.

7 birds ringed: 2 blackbird, 2 chaffinch, 1 dunnock, 1 blue tit, 1 great tit.