Saturday 1st March 2014

Heading south 22 Red-throated Diver, 5 Shelduck & 3 Oyk plus heading north 210 Red-throats, 52 Cormorant, 25 Common Scoter, 8 Brent, 2 Curlew, Great-crested Grebe, Gannet, Ringed Plover & Turnstone. Passerines on the move included 2 Grey Wags south & 3 Starling in off the sea. Offshore a summer plumaged Black-throated Diver was just offshore and 2 Harbour Porpoise were noted. Grounded migrants included 3 Redwing present first thing and with the opening of the mist nets for the first time this year revealing the fact that Blackies & Robins are starting to move.

Ringing: 1 robin, 1 blackbird.