Thursday 6th March 2014

Handful of migrants on site today including Firecrest & 2 Redwing. On the move heading south 4 Wood Pigeon, 2 Jackdaw & Carrion Crow with the highlight from a paltry selection of offshore movements being 6 Common Scoter. An immature male Peregrine put in a brief appearance in addition to the resident pair & a pair of Mallard were on the puddle in the entrance to the old aggregate yard (she is presumably the same female that has bred here for the last few years). In the moth traps Agonopterix curvipuntosa which is a site speciality that occurs here in small numbers and a species only rarely noted elsewhere in the UK.

5 birds ringed : 2 Redwing, 1 Robin, 1 Great Tit, 1 Song Thrush.