Sunday 13th April 2014

Despite the overnight cloud cover there was not a great deal around on site except a few Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and the odd Willow Warbler, Common and Lesser Whitethroat. Whilst overhead a Marsh Harrier drifted south along with Siskin, Rook and Yellow Wagtail, and a White Wagtail went north.
Offshore was a bit more interesting with the star bird being a Great White Egret that flew south high over the Harbour mouth into Essex. Also nearly 300 Black-Headed Gulls south along with a smaller number of Common Gulls, plus 2 Whimbrel also south and 4 Curlew north.
The first Grass Snake of the year emerged from the vegetation by the top pond.

Birds ringed today was a mere 10,half of which were Blackcaps along with 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Willow Warbler a Blackbird and a Linnet.