Thursday 10th April 2014

A pleasant selection of early April migrants this morning including 15 Willows, 15 Chiffs, 10 Blackcap, 3 Wheatear, 2 Swallow, White Wag, Skylark, continental Songie & Redwing. Offshore 130 Black-heads & a Med went south but next to nothing else out to sea apart from a couple of Porpoise off the point. A Speckled Wood was the first of the spring amongst an expected selection of butterflies. In the moth traps a Shoulder Stripe is good for us.

27 birds ringed: 11 chiffchaff, 6 blackcap, 5 willow warbler, 2 great tit, 1 song thrush, 1 wren, 1 linnet.