Recent Recoveries

Amongst the recent batch of ringing recoveries received are a Blackcap ringed 171km away in Oost-Vlannderen, Belgium on 2nd August 2012 caught here 14th April 2013, Great Tit ringed 147km at Gibraltar Point, Lincs retrapped here 8 days later, Greenfinch ringed 77km away at UEA, Norfolk on 4th November 2011 retrapped here 10th August 2013, Goldfinch ringed 81km away at Easton College, Norfolk on 12th Ocyober 2013 retrapped here 14th November 2013, Green Woodpecker ringed here on 29th July 2010 found dead 16km away on the Broxtead Estate on 21st Februsry 2014 & amongst a selection of Lesser Redpolls caught here and retrapped elsewhere in Suffolk one ringed here 13th October 2013 retrapped 148km away at Chobham Common Surrey, on 14th March 2014.