Sunday 1st June 2014.

Despite the warm night with complete cloud cover and wind direction that went from North-West through to Easterly, very little appeared to be moving. What there was however, was of some interest, as Turtle Dove, Cuckoo and Hobby all put in an appearance. The supporting cast though was not quite so good, the best of the rest being 1 Fulmar south, 6 Little Tern and 6 Sandwich Tern both north , and that was about it on the bird front.

The insects were of more interest however, as the moth traps proved to be busy with several unusual landguard species being noted including Silky Wainscot, Broad-barred White, 2 Lunar Yellow Underwing, 2 Sandy Carpet, Dark Swordgrass and several Sand Darts. Also butterflies are in evidence with at least 3 Painted Ladies putting in an appearance.

Birds ringed 13.  5 Linnet, 3 Dunnock, 2 Blue Tit and 1 each of Turtle Dove, House Sparrow and Greenfinch.