Tuesday 24th June 2014

Heading south 4 Curlew & a Grey Heron with a Sand Martin heading north. Still getting plenty of baby birds although catching a new first-summer male Song Thrush is a bit more unusual - presumably it's one that has failed to attract a mate that's going walkabout & ending up down here. Whilst on the Song Thrush theme the three pairs at Landguard are now churning out second broods. The moth traps are currently very busy with large numbers of moths of c.125 species per night. Very few migrant moths are about so it was a surprise to find a Bedstraw Hawk-moth in the top trap - previous site records are of one in the 1980's and singles in 2012 & 2013.

16 birds ringed: 7 linnet, 3 greenfinch, 2 song thrush, 1 blue tit, 1 chaffinch, 1 goldfinch, 1 magpie.