July ringing totals

A total of 230 birds of 26 species were ringed during the month.

Ringed Plover 2 Wren 8
Woodpigeon 2 Starling 12
Cuckoo 1 Blackbird 18
Green Woodpecker 1 Song Thrush 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker 2 Black Redstart 1
Jay 1 Dunnock 9
Great Tit 15 House Sparrow 19
Chiffchaff 10 Pied Wagtail 2
Willow Warbler 5 Chaffinch 1
Blackcap 4 Greenfinch 55
Lesser Whitethroat 7 Goldfinch 2
Whitethroat 21 Siskin 1
Reed Warbler 1 Linnet 29