Friday 15th August 2014

A nice selection of migrants in today with 6 Wheatears, 2 Tree Pipits & a Whinchat on the reserve, the latter two species being the first of the autumn. Elsewhere on site were 10 Willow Warblers, 5 Lesser Whitethroats and a Sedge Warbler. Southerly passage included 132 Swallows, 6 Sand Martin, 5 House Martin & 4 Swift. Other birds of note were a Little Egret in off the sea and 18 Oystercatcher south.

Two Clouded Yellows and a Painted Lady were the highlights amongst the butterflies this morning.

13 Birds ringed; 4 Willow Warbler, 3 Wheatear, 2 Greenfinch and single Sparrowhawk, Dunnock, Robin & Sedge Warbler.