Ringed Plovers 2014

Three pairs bred:
1) This pair consisted of two older veterans from previous campaigns. The one adult was originally ringed as an adult in May 1997 so is at least 18 years old with it's mate probably of a similar vintage but declining to be trapped this year to allow it's ring number to be read. This pair had two broods rearing three young from the first brood & two young from their second brood.
2) This pair consisted of an old individual originally ringed as a pullus in May 1998 so is known to be 16 years old with it's mate a new individual to the site. This pair had two clutch's rearing one young from the first attempt with the second clutch being predated late on in the incubation period.
3) This pair were both new individuals to the site that arrived after the other two pairs had started nesting. This pair reared one young from their first nesting attempt. From their behaviour it is strongly suspected that they had a second nesting attempt which probably failed before we found the nest.

Seven young reared this year from three pairs is the most successful season for some time. A grand total of only nine young have been reared at Landguard this century and with several adults getting old it is important that youngsters are reared to sustain the population that remains at a low ebb. The population peaked at 17 pairs in 1998 but plummeted after this due to gross neglect by the then site managers who had different priorities for the then available funding.