Sunday 10th August 2014

The x Hurricane Bertha duly arrived bringing strong SSE winds and rain showers this morning. This made for rough seas and onshore winds ideal for sea watching at Landguard. We were not disappointed, although numbers could have been better there was still plenty to see, including well over 500 Swifts south, along with a number of wader species including 14 Whimbrel, 9 Bar-tailed Godwit, 9 Greenshank, 12 Turnstone, 16 Grey Plover, 3 Golden Plover and 29 Oyster Catcher. Also noted were several Gannet moving offshore along with 4 Fulmar, 4 Great Skua and 2 Arctic Skua. A Corn Bunting was also observed in the compound briefly this morning.

Only 1 Greenfinch was ringed .