Wednesday 13th August 2014

With the skies clearing overnight and a brisk westerly wind blowing, little was expected, so it came as a pleasant surprise to see a few migrants. Most were the expected Willow Warblers with the odd Common and Lesser Whitethroats keeping them company. The odd surprise visitor in the form of a Black-necked Grebe drifting south close inshore, 14 Black-tailed Godwits in off and into the river, other waders included 2 Ruff out of the river then north. Also on site were 3 Wheatear, a Green Woodpecker and a female Sparrowhawk.
2 Clouded Yellow were also seen on site today.

Ringing totalled 7 birds, of which were 4 Willow Warbler, and 1 each of Green Woodpecker, Greenfinch and Blackbird.