Wednesday 24th September 2014

After overnight rain cleared first thing, hopes were high for some good visible migration in the overcast conditions that prevailed before more rain showers mid morning. Not as much as was hoped though, as only 177 Swallows, 61 Meadow Pipit, 14 Chaffinch, and 11 Grey Wagtail all south was about the best, although 1 Hobby was also seen heading south. Offshore 1 Arctic Tern was seen going north, and 8 Brent Geese south.On the common the Linnet flock of 120 birds contained a Twite briefly,and there were also 3 Wheatear and 2 Sparrowhawk present.

Only 10 birds were ringed, these were 3 Grey Wagtail, 2 Robin, 2 Chiffchaff, and 1 each of Whitethroat, Meadow Pipit and Dunnock.