September Ringing Totals

September was a good month both for number of species and number ringed with 708 birds of 47 species being ringed, of these the most notable were Kingfisher and Red-breasted Flycatcher both of which are rarely caught here and Grey Wagtail which has had an unbelievable month breaking previous day, month and year totals.

Sparrowhawk 4 Wren 10
Kestrel 1 Starling 3
Woodpigeon 2 Ring Ouzel 1
Collared Dove 1 Blackbird 5
Kingfisher 1 Song Thrush 21
Wryneck 2 Spotted Flycatcher 4
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 Robin 76
Jay 1 Redstart 2
Goldcrest 9 Red-breasted Flycatcher 1
Firecrest 4 Pied Flycatcher 14
Blue Tit 22 Wheatear 6
Great Tit 20 Dunnock 20
Coal Tit 1 House Sparrow 1
Swallow 3 Grey Wagtail 85
Long-tailed Tit 3 Tree Pipit 1
Chiffchaff 70 Meadow Pipit 104
Willow Warbler 50 Chaffinch 11
Blackcap 63 Greenfinch 7
Garden Warbler 8 Goldfinch 17
Lesser Whitethroat 12 Siskin 2
Whitethroat 17 Linnet 11
Grasshopper Warbler 2 Lesser Redpoll 1
Sedge Warbler 1 Reed Bunting 1
Reed Warbler 6