Friday 28th November 2014

Silly mild for the time of year. Heading south 414 Teal, 82 Wigeon, 24 Red-throated Diver, 2 Brent, 2 Shelduck, Great-northern Diver, Gannet, Mallard & Pintail with 2 Pom Skuas noted harassing the gulls behind shipping. 610 Cormorants north offshore changing their fishing grounds beats the day record set only a couple of days ago. Overhead 4 Mipits & a Redpoll went south with other new migrants limited to a couple of new Blackies & a Fieldfare on site. 3 Goldcrests are still lingering with us which may now attempt to overwinter here as it's getting a bit late in the autumn to move far.

4 birds ringed: 3 Blackbird, 1 Goldfinch.