October Ringing Totals

A poor month with only 601 of 30 species being ringed, this is the second worst October for the site. However we did manage to catch another 18 Grey Wagtail which brings our year total to up to a record 105.

Sparrowhawk 5 Ring Ouzel 3
Woodpigeon 7 Blackbird 66
Collared Dove 2 Song Thrush 70
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 Redwing 5
Jay 4 Robin 109
Goldcrest 39 Pied Flycatcher 1
Firecrest 2 Black Redstart 1
Blue Tit 11 Dunnock 18
Great Tit 24 House Sparrow 7
Long-tailed Tit 37 Grey Wagtail 18
Chiffchaff 37 Chaffinch 28
Willow Warbler 1 Brambling 1
Blackcap 43 Greenfinch 8
Wren 23 Goldfinch 22
Starling 7 Bullfinch 1