Thursday 20th November 2014

The wind is still coming in from the continent, but with clearing skies and strengthening winds, less new birds are arriving, and most of the current ones have moved on. The one exception being the Dusky Warbler which is still on show at the northern end of Landguard Common. Apart from that its been a much quieter day, with only the odd new Goldcrest, a few new Robins, the odd Redwing and 1 new Chiffchaff on site, whilst offshore, small numbers of duck are going past, the most noteable being the 5 Eider and 8 Goldeneye, although a bit of an increase in Red-throated Diver numbers is promising. After this blog was published late news concerns a Swallow around the fort early afternoon.

10 birds were ringed, 3 Robin, 3 Goldcrest, and 1 each of Redwing, Chiffchaff, Goldfinch and Wren.